Preparing for BC’s Sizzling Summer and Potential Service Delays

September 1, 2023

**NOTE: To view the current status of wildfire-related road closures, along with all other freight service delays, please click here: CURRENT ROAD CLOSURES AND SERVICE DELAYS

Unpacking the Weather Predictions

The summer of 2023 in British Columbia is predicted to be one for the record books with above-average temperatures. This might sound like a dream for those who love the sunshine and beach days, but for us in the freight industry, it introduces a unique set of challenges that could impact our operations and, by extension, our invaluable customers. Beyond the threat to our stunning landscapes, wildfires can lead to road closures, posing a considerable challenge to logistics operations.

What This Means for Us and You

These potential disruptions might lead to unexpected service delays. The increased likelihood of wildfires and subsequent flooding could result in altered delivery routes and times, affecting our ability to fulfill our usual delivery schedules. We understand how crucial it is to have your goods delivered on time, and we want to assure you that we will be doing everything in our control to minimize the impact of these disruptions on your deliveries.

How We’re Handling It

Our Van Kam Operations team is always closely monitoring the weather situation and making contingency plans for potential service disruptions. Our commitment to providing reliable and efficient freight services remains unwavering, even in the face of these environmental challenges.

Get More Info

We encourage you to stay informed about the changing weather conditions. Here are some reliable sources:

We appreciate your understanding, patience, and cooperation as we navigate these challenges together.

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