Meet Van Kam’s Customer Service Team

November 30, 2023
Pictured from left to right: Daniella Dallavalle, Jodi Fingarsen, Theresa Boyd (seated), Ashleigh Freeland, and Leann LeBlanc.

At Van Kam Freightways, our Customer Service team is more than a hub of inquiries and solutions. It’s a place where kindness meets know-how, where each phone call and email is an opportunity to ease someone’s day. This team is a blend of individual talents and genuine warmth, turning routine customer interactions into moments of real connection. Let’s meet the faces behind the friendly voices that make our Customer Service team not just efficient, but genuinely caring.

The Steady Hand at the Helm

Theresa Boyd, Van Kam’s Customer Service Manager anchors the team with a blend of experience and approachability. She starts each day ready to face whatever comes her way, setting the tone with her pragmatic and calm demeanour. “Being ready for anything is part of the job,” Theresa says, her steady gaze reflecting years of navigating the sometimes choppy waters of customer service.

Expanding on her role, Theresa underscores the importance of teamwork and open communication. “It’s all about pulling together,” she says. “When we face a tough situation, we huddle up, throw ideas around, and find a way through. It’s this togetherness that gets us through the rough patches and makes the good days even better,” she concludes. This collaborative spirit has cultivated a team environment where learning, sharing, and supporting each other is as natural as breathing.

The Guiding Force

Daniella Dallavalle, our Senior Customer Service Specialist with five years at Van Kam, serves as the guiding force within the team. With her ability to multitask and a nurturing approach, she supports and directs her colleagues through the complexities of customer service. “We’re like a family here, always there to back each other up,” Daniella shares. Her role involves more than just managing tasks; it’s about fostering a collaborative spirit and ensuring everyone is aligned toward a common goal.

The Calm Communicator

Jodi Fingarsen, known for her calm and patient nature, is a key player in the Customer Service team at Van Kam Freightways. Her approach to customer service is rooted in empathy and understanding. “Often, just lending an ear and showing that you truly understand can make all the difference,” Jodi says.

Jodi’s unique insight into our customer’s perspective, gained from her experience as a Van Kam customer, equips her to address their needs with a personal touch. “I’ve been on the other side, so I know how important it is to feel heard and valued,” she adds, emphasizing the importance of genuine, empathetic customer interactions.

The Cheerful Detective

Ashleigh Freeland, the team’s unofficial ‘detective,’ brings a unique investigative flair to customer service. She excels in unravelling complex customer queries, finding solutions that not only solve problems but also foster customer satisfaction. “Every problem is like a mystery, and I love putting the pieces together,” she remarks with a smile. This passion for detail is reflected in her baking, where she combines ingredients meticulously to create delightful treats, much to the joy of her colleagues. Her culinary creations bring an extra layer of warmth and camaraderie to the team.

The Positive Energizer

Leann LeBlanc, managing major accounts, plays a vital role in the Customer Service team. Her days are filled with detailed coordination, but it’s her positive outlook that truly shines. “Challenges are part of the job, but staying positive makes all the difference,” Leann shares. Her upbeat approach not only eases the most complex logistics but also brightens the team’s atmosphere, making her a cherished member of the team.

A Mosaic of Talent and Heart

Within our Customer Service team, each member brings a unique blend of talent and dedication, enriching the team’s collective approach to providing exceptional service. From Theresa’s experienced leadership to Daniella’s supportive guidance, Ashleigh’s keen problem-solving, Leann’s positive approach, and Jodi’s empathetic communication, all come together to reflect our dedication to customers.

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